Abortion is…complicated

Abortion is…complicated

My state is having a major vote on November 7 that will have long lasting implications for the moral health of its people.  The vote is about whether or not Ohio should add the right for all abortions to the state constitution.  The way the amendment is worded, it...
About the Author – A Much Deeper Dive

About the Author – A Much Deeper Dive

I posted a blog some time ago asking the question “Who Am I?”  In that post, I explained how I discovered my identity and came to grips with the person God created me to be.  It didn’t really go into too much depth explaining who I am in terms of my character.  Today...
What Are You Looking At?

What Are You Looking At?

What you set your eyes toward is what you will see. I have this phrase written on a sticky note and stuck to my desk.  It’s a regular reminder to not only keep my eyes on my goals, but to also seize and maintain control of my mental health.  Let me explain. Keeping my...
Our Words Make Worlds

Our Words Make Worlds

Our words make worlds!  As a fantasy novelist, I get to see this truth in action in a figurative sense as I craft a world for others to enjoy.  This proverb, though, holds so much more truth in the real world, and it is far more impactful, either to ruin or glory!  To...
Pride Month

Pride Month

So much has happened since I last blogged, too much to even try to list. I put off blogging for a long time for a number of reasons, but it’s become clear to me over the past year that I needed to pick it up again. I’ve hidden in fear of rejection, fear of success,...