About The Dreamer Chronicles

Written in the spirit of C. S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia and J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, The Dreamer Chronicles is a sweeping Young Adult fantasy novel about Ziah, a 13 year old hume farm boy, and his younger twin sisters, Cerra and Theia.

In the land of Agios, Naro has reigned supreme for more than 300 years.  His army of wolf-like lupines enforce his will through terror, slaughtering anyone who is unwilling or unable to follow Naro’s every command.  When a prophecy declares that Ziah and his sisters are destined to end Naro’s tyrannical reign and unite the 7 races of the land, Ziah is thrilled.  He longs for the day when he and his sisters will be old enough to see the prophecy come true so he can end the suffering of everyone he knows. 

The only problem is that Naro has heard the prophecy as well, and he has his army searching all of Agios for these children fated to usurp him.  When the lupines finally discover them, Ziah and his sisters escape with only their lives and the clothes on their backs.  Having lost everything they hold dear, and hunted at every turn, Ziah must lead his sisters across Agios in search of a place where they can finally be safe from the lupines’ reach.

The Dreamer Chronicles: Desperation is about pain, loss, and choosing whether or not to dream again when everything you hoped for is gone.  Most importantly, though, it’s about the journey.  When led down the path of devastation and pain, will Ziah give in to his agony and give up on his dreams, or will he take one more chance and dare to believe again? As you follow Ziah’s story, you’ll enjoy his laughter, experience his tears, feel his anger, and cry at his heartbreak; but you’ll also breathe in refreshing sprinkles of hope as the powerful and poignant ending leaves you satisfied yet yearning for more.